At last - a weight control solution that doesn't involve dieting!
Are you sick of fad diets? Have you made yourself miserable by depriving your body of food, only for the weight to pile back on? Are there 'thin' clothes in your wardrobe you wish you could wear if only that extra weight would shift? If so, Ursula James, the UK's premier hypnotherapy practitioner, has the answer for you!
Ursula has developed a fantastic programme for weight loss which shuns the usual restrictions imposed on dieters. This approach is designed for people like you who have tried the gruelling exercise routines and the endless calorie counting to no avail.
With the aid of this book and the accompanying self-hypnosis CD, Ursula promises that not only will you become the real, confident you, you'll also understand the reasons behind your weight gain.
This book comes with a free CD.
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"...excellent book and even better CD..."
"...the results are staggering..."
"...your book is superb..."